Help Wanted- I’m Looking for a Doctor Who Companion

Dr. David Powers
4 min readJul 20, 2018

I’m Seeking a Companion

That might sound weird to some of you, so let me explain.

I’m seeking a companion in the sense of the Doctor Who use of that term. If you already know what I’m talking about, and you’re interested, you might be a shoe-in for the job. If you’re not sure what a companion is, you’re not completely out of the running, but you might need to educate yourself before applying.

Here’s a couple of good links to check out if you need more information-

What is a companion?

Who are past Doctor Who companions?

I’m seeking a companion who will fulfill a variety of roles, but primarily that of assistant, friend, and fellow adventurer. You won’t be the first companion I’ve had, but it’s time for a new one.

The duties of a companion will depend on the skills and strengths of the person chosen. Past companions were geniuses in their own areas. One was a computer graphics master and designed everything from signs to logos and book covers. Another was a fitness trainer who co-authored exercise articles with me.

Companions stay with me as long as their time is mutually beneficial for both of us. Some move on to the next phase of their lives. Others use their time with me to enhance their resumes and level up in their careers. Basically, companions assist me in multiplying my efforts, and it pays handsomely for them as well.

Here are a few examples of activities and adventures companions have embarked on with me over the years-

  • Writing more than a dozen books and over 500 magazine and newspaper articles, many of them co-authored with full shared credit
  • Organizing logistics and participating in mountain climbing expeditions
  • Speaking to audiences of up to 1000’s of people at conference keynotes
  • Accompanying me on speaking and book tours or other expeditions
  • Starring in movie or television roles with me

There is no standard formal application for companion. If you’re interested, get in touch with me at and we’ll talk.

Here’s a sample list of what I need most right now in case your skillset or desires fit…

  • Licensing my artwork and that of others I own or control to other companies
  • Formatting and publishing electronic and print books
  • Opening up new streams of income from works I’ve already developed, such as online courses
  • Photoshop graphic work beyond my chimpanzee in a china shop level of skill
  • Building online sales funnels

Depending on what you do, much of the work can be done from a remote work location.

To borrow a page from Tim Ferriss and one of his help wanted applications, much of what follows next is modified from him…


* You’d be working behind the curtains on high-profile projects. You’ll see all of my projects first, and get to play a critical role in their creation and launch.

* I will ask your advice and look to you for original ideas, new experiments, and more.

* You will also be invited to spend time with the most impressive people in my network. In fact, that would be part of your job.

* I might send you great coffee, there will be strange assignments, and you get to work with a weirdo. That’s me. There won’t be a lot of boredom.


Alas, I still prefer the Shackleton approach to job descriptions. Being my Managing Editor will not be easy. Rewarding? Definitely. Exciting at many times? Absolutely. Easy? Not likely. Think of it like a professional sports team. I’m not going to haze you or anything stupid, but my content works because I take it very, very seriously. We’re here to create posts that are more valuable (traffic-wise) two years after publication than the week we put them out. We want epic content that gets linked to by “real” media all over the world. If you have the right personality for it, you’ll love this. But…

Here are some fair expectations:

* I’m an unrelenting perfectionist. If you’re not the same, it will probably make you insane.
* I live and die by deadlines. They are absolutely sacred, and I am merciless about this.
* You will need to be self-directed and very self-organized. Besides inflexible deadlines, I won’t provide a lot of structure. I assume you’re bringing a lot of your own process and best practices.
* You need good mental and physical stamina, and you MUST have the discipline to “turn off” and recharge during off hours. You should have a regular exercise regimen or activities for decompressing.

I hope to hear from the right person soon.


Dr. Dave

This message was written by a team of geeks, nerds, gamers, and Dr. David Powers. You can always find us at Thanks for reading!

In the words of Starship Troopers, “Would you like to know more?”







Dr. David Powers

Dr. David Powers is an adventurer, philosopher, and pioneer.